Fusion wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for individuals who pray for our work, give generously when they are able in response to our regular or special appeals, or our invaluable regular donors who give a set amount on a regular basis. If you have been one of these people, are currently or are thinking about becoming one – we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.. Also, you can contact us if you know or are part of a business, school, church, government agency or community group who would like to explore a partnership with us in some form. We are always keen to at least have a chat and see how we might be able to work together.


We can’t do what we do alone

We really appreciate the support of individuals and groups that work with us. A big shout out and thank you to Geraldton Ministers Felloship, Ngala Midwest and Parkerville who are all important partners in the work we do in our community. For more information on what our partners do in Geraldton please click on the logo’s below to visit their web sites.

Geraldton Ministers Fellowship

The Geraldton Ministers’ Fellowship is a visible sign of the unity between Christian Churches. The Lord Jesus Christ is the centre of our lives . So the Geraldton Ministers’ Fellowship exists for the mutual encouragement in Christian Ministry and to promote the work of the Gospel in Geraldton


Ngala Midwest and Gascoyne (Previously Geraldton Regional Community Education Centre Midwest and Gascoyne) is committed to providing services to children, youth and families to build individual, family and community capacity.

Parkerville logo

Parkerville Children and Youth Care is the lead Agency for the Midwest  Family Support Network which commenced in 2013 and is working closely with partner Agencies to support families who reside in the City of Greater Geraldton.


Want to find out more about how you can partner in the important work the Fusion does in Geraldton? Fill in the contact form and we would love to catch up and explore a partnership with us in some form.

Yes! Tell me more about how I can partner with Fusion in Geraldton

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We love it when people are praying for us and the work we do in Geraldton. Fusion has a monthly Prayer Calendar that has a couple points for each day of the week from somewhere around Fusion internationally. If you would like to receive the Fusion Prayer Calendar please indicate on the contact form on the right. We can’t have enough people praying for the work we do and our team

Sign me up for the Fusion Prayer Calendar

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