Ngurra Nganhungu Barndiyigu
Ngurra Nganhungu Barndiyigu
Fusion Geraldton – Working with people with long term and persistent Mental health issues to find purpose and meaning as they work on their own recovery journey no matter what colour, race, or creed.
Ngurra Nganhungu Barndiyigu “Our place for getting better” in local Yamaji language is a group of Fusion Mental Health Units (FMHU) for adults experiencing severe and persistent mental health issues.
FMHU is a medium term up to 4 years program. Taking in residents who need a new start, bringing stability to their lives and connecting residents with appropriate services and finally when the resident is ready, transition them into their own place with support if needed.
Referrals are made using the FMHU Referral form which can be accessed by contacting Referrals are only accepted from Midwest Mental Health Services, a private psychiatrist or GP with the consent of the person wanting a place at the CSRU.
Personal Recovery can be described as a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live a self directed life, and strive to reach their full potential regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms and/or distress.
We believe that everyone has the potential to live well with what ever is happening.